Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Day At The Spa... Ü

Hi Everyone,
Wow, it's been a while since I blog anything.  I'm here today to take care of that.  How can I not Blog my favorite child ... Chloe... She had a day at the spa today, all her fur from underneath is all gone (fur buster) and won't be shedding like she has been.  Her toe nails all trimmed down and smooth, her bath had nice scent on her and got an extra conditioner... lol  She looks so pretty, and to top it all, She is also Blinging... Yes, my girl has some bling on her.  Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I love my girl.

                                                     "Day At The Spa..Look at the Results"

                                                  " Can you see her bling on the bows?"
How much cuter can she get. Ü Ü Money well spent on my little girl.  You can really see the blonde fur on her now. Ü

1 comment:

  1. oh so looks so good, Robin, I know she's a pampered pooch, lol. I would take my Zeus to the groomers if he wasnt such a big boy. I guess he will have to settle for me brushing him daily and maybe I could make some bows for his hair too.. lol.
